TriTomR Endurance Newsletter 001


Hi and Welcome to the TriTomR Endurance Newsletter No. 001!

My goal is to bring you some thoughts and insights in short and easily to digest bits - cool things I discover and like to share on a (mostly) weekly basis. I look for this to evolve over time and please let me know what you like (and don't like), your feedback is most appreciated!                   -Tom R.

Things I’m looking Forward to:

-Super stoked to be picked as a Picky Bar AmBADASSador this year! I’ve been following this company since its inception and using their food to fuel my training and races. They make great food and are pretty cool people. I only like to work with brands that I use and believe in and they fit that criteria. Lots more to come on this.

Fit Studio Notes:

 Here’s a great article from a couple of years ago on why you should get a bike fitting done. Still one of my favorites as they cover all the details of what the experience should be. It’s a 5 min. read that will answer a lot of your initial questions.

My studio hours are pretty flexible – weekdays, evenings and weekends. Let’s find a time that works for you.


Training Notes:

The Hip flexors are a group of three muscles (iliacus, psoas major and rectus femoris) that work to draw the knee back towards the abs to complete the pedal cycle. Cycling (and sitting) keeps these muscles in almost constant flexion and if they are not stretched out can become quite tight. This tightness greatly effects cycling performance as well as sets you up for injury. One of my favorite stretches for this is the ‘couch stretch’. Check out this video from Kelly Starrett -


Thought for the Week:


Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to’.

            -Lao Tzu



Please forward this newsletter to friends who might like to read and subscribe. Have any suggestions of things I should cover or include (or exclude)? Let me know!