Supplementation - Buyer Beware!

There are so many options when it comes to supplementation - but what do you really need?

There are so many options when it comes to supplementation - but what do you really need?

This is one of the better articles that I’ve seen regarding supplementation. As athletes, we are always looking for ways to perform at our best but should always be careful of what we are putting into our bodies. The global dietary supplement market is valued at over $130 billion (USD) and is self-regulated. That’s right, they regulate themselves. So It is easy to believe that all supplements are created equal – magnesium is magnesium, right? – but purity levels vary. What the labels don’t tell you is how much is too much. What you might not realize is that after a certain point the supplement can actually do more harm than good.

What to do?  Try to eat right and get most of your essential vitamins and minerals from whole foods, then work with your Doctor or a certified nutritionist (or both!). Have your Doctor run some lab tests to see where your body is at and if supplements would be helpful – especially if you are going to be in a phase of heavier training loads. And do your research. Check with the independent testing labs listed in this article – Labdoor and ConsumerLab and other reputable informational sources such as The Science of Sport and FoundMyFitness. The information is out there you just have to do the work to educate yourself.